We will be closed December 31, 2024 - January 6, 2025.

Our Story...

After completing his graduate degree in 2008, Allyson encouraged David to find a hobby that he could enjoy some relaxing time outdoors. He had recently caught a couple swarms of honeybees at his parent’s small farm in northeast Georgia, so why not pick up the hobby of beekeeping. David had a fascination with honeybees as a child observing his father as a hobby beekeeper. 


David and Allyson both found great satisfaction harvesting the great tasting natural honey and sharing it with family, friends and neighbors. Although the hobby has grown into a small family business today, they still find great satisfaction serving customers with their great-tasting, raw, natural honey(s).

Today, John David (son) enjoys helping his dad caring for the honeybees and harvesting the honey.


David and John David in the Apiary. 

Our Mission

We exist to serve raw, all-natural honey for our customers, while providing positive impact on our local environment and honeybee population.